
Jan 17, 20201 min

Ah the "Fake it 'till you Make it" cliche....

Updated: Aug 17, 2020

Ever wondered why cliches' were invented! "Fake it 'till you Make it", If you cant beat them join them" and many more - as cheesy as they are they resonate because they are true and relatable to most of us. Who hasn't stood outside a bar or party before walking in and straightened themselves with a pep talk before walking in with head held high and a smile to dassle when all your feeling is self-doubt and fear - it is of course an act but what happens as a result is not, you start forgetting about the niggling doubts and low self esteem and start getting into your 'role'. This is the real defination of faking it until making it, but really all it is, is a psychological trick which can be used for self help in most situations. For every negative you think/feel try to counteract it with a positive. What if they don't like me? Am I good enough for them? What if they laugh at me...oh my sweet, but what if YOU dont like THEM?, if THEY'RE not good enough for YOU? and why on earth do YOU care? Be true, be you and keep your thoughts positive when talking to yourself, you may not believe yourself to begin with but trust me you will get there - Janj X
